Thanking People and Responding to Thanks
1. Thanking for directions
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
- A: Thank you so much for your directions. You've been a tremendous help.
B: It was my pleasure.
- A: Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I hope it wasn't too much of a bother.
B: Not at all. It was the least I could do.
- A: Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.
B: You're welcome. Good luck.
- A: Thanks a million!
B: Forget it/Don't worry about it.
2. Thanking for invitations
Sample phrases
- A: Thank you for inviting me. Of course I'll come.
B: Great! We're sure to have a lot of fun.
- A: Thanks for your invitation, but I'm afraid I won't be able to come. I've got an appointment.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. We'll certainly miss you.
3. Thanking for gifts
Sample phrases
- A: Thank you very much for the flowers. They look so beautiful. Are they from your garden?
B: Yes. I'm glad you like them. Happy anniversary!
- A: Thanks a lot, but you really shouldn't have.
B: Well, I just wanted to show my appreciation for your kindness.
4. Thanking for favors
Sample phrases
- A: Thank you so much for lending me your bicycle.
B: Don't mention it. Let me know if you need it again.
- A: Thanks for doing the washing-up.
B: It was nothing. I enjoyed helping you.
5. Thanking for offers of help
Sample phrases
- A: Can I take you to the airport?
B: Thank you. That would be great.
- A: Do you need help carrying these suitcases?
B: Thanks, but I'll manage OK by myself.
6. Thanking for expressions of sympathy
Sample phrases
- A: I'm sorry to hear your grandmother is ill.
B: Thank you. I hope she'll be all right.
- A: That's too bad about your car.
B: Thanks. I think the police will find some clues.
7. Thanking for compliments and wishes of success
Sample phrases
- A: You are such a good cook!
B: Thanks. I learned a lot from my mother.
- A: Good luck with your exams!
B: Thanks. I'll need it!
See also:
- Greeting People and Responding to Greetings
- Making and Responding to Introductions
- Saying Goodbye
- Making, Accepting and Refusing Invitations
- Apologizing and Responding to Apologies
- Complimenting and Responding to Compliments
- Getting Attention and Interrupting a Conversation
- Asking for Information and Giving Directions
- Making and Responding to Requests
- Offering to Help and Responding
- Expressing Sympathy and Responding
- Expressing Opinions
- Agreeing and Disagreeing